CBD Massage

A CBD massage includes the use a high quality, completely THC free, CBD oil as part of your treatment. I use JOY ORGANICS ™ for its extremely high quality and purity, rigorous lab testing and dedication to environmental practices. CBD has an analgesic affect and anti-inflammatory properties that work with our immune system and brain to leave you with less inflammation and pain, instead feeling more relaxed and at peace. For most people, CBD is great for the pain relief of arthritis, injuries, and chronic or acute stress points in the body. Because it is THC free there will be no hallucinogenic effects during or after the oil’s application.

It is scientifically proven that CBD can:

  • Relieve pain
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Could benefit heart health
  • Help with certain skin conditions
  • Has little or very few known side effects

For more information on CBD oil and how it works please click the link below for further research.